Bell Buckle woman comes to Murfreesboro to hold a yard sale?

Apr 09, 2014 at 12:15 pm by bryan

A yard sale in the middle of town (directly next to McDonald's) is something you don’t see everyday…


Sherry Brown drove to Murfreesboro from Bell Buckle to simply hold a yard sale. She set up her yard sale in the vacant lot at the South Church and Broad Street intersection next to McDonalds…

We asked Sherry why she is having a yard sale…

You see, Sherry is one of the 5% of female truck drivers in America. She said she is getting back out on the road and needed to sell things she no longer needs.

Now you know why you saw a yard sale on a vacant lot near the Murfreesboro square next to McDonalds. 

Hear the entire WGNS Newscast

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