Carr Asks Alexander to Vote No on Cloture

Sep 24, 2013 at 02:22 pm by bryan

Sen. Harry Reid has filed for cloture on the motion to proceed to House Joint Resolution 59, the Continuing Resolution. The test vote in the Senate is scheduled for tomorrowWednesday, September 24, 2013, and a second key vote is set for later in the week.

“By using this procedural tactic and invoking cloture, Sen. Reid is trying to undermine the House-passed bill. Voting yes to cloture will assist Sen. Reid in stripping the defunding language. However, if conservatives unite together and vote NO to cloture, the language to defund Obamacare will remain intact,” says Rep. Joe Carr.


“I am calling on Sen. Alexander to vote NO.I am calling on Sen. Alexander todo the right thing, and vote with the citizens of Tennessee…not with Sen. Harry Reid,” says Rep. Carr.

“It is plain and simple…if Sen. Alexander votes yes to cloture then he is voting to fund Obamacare. Sen. Alexander should be listening to Tennesseans and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with House Republicans to stop this train wreck we know as Obamacare,” says Rep. Carr.

Alexander said in a statement months ago, “The avalanche of last-minute delays should make every American anxious about the quality of the health care they'll be able to purchase in October.” He also has said on numerous occasions that “Obamacare was a Historic mistake.”

“Now is Sen. Alexander’s chance to stand with Senators Cruz, Lee, and the citizens of Tennessee to get rid of Obamacare for good,” says Rep. Carr.

Representative Joe Carr is an announced candidate running against Sen. Lamar Alexander in the 2014 Republican Primary. He is a principled conservative who believes that Washington needs to return to our founding core principles of personal responsibility, individual liberty, and free and fair markets. 

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