City Wants Input on City-Wide Comprehensive Plan

Dec 13, 2013 at 06:15 pm by bryan

The City of Murfreesboro has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for qualified consultants to prepare a city-wide comprehensive plan. 

The comprehensive plan, once formulated and adopted, will serve as the principal guide for community and governmental decision making regarding land use, zoning, transportation planning, utility capacity and construction, economic development, traffic management, recreation, capital budgeting, provision of municipal services and facilities, housing, and community engagement.  The City Council included this project in the 2014 Budget, and approved the RFP during their December 5, 2013 meeting.


In 1989, the City adopted a comprehensive plan.  Since then, the community has changed considerably.  With over 110,000 people and currently the sixth largest city in the State of Tennessee,  Murfreesboro’s new comprehensive plan will provide a long-term vision for the City’s future and a framework that will help achieve the mission of city government: to enhance the quality of life for all citizens. 


In Mayor Tommy Bragg’s recommendation of the project, he encourages the community’s participation and recognition that the comprehensive plan will be an exciting, community-wide effort, addressing the City’s goals of providing safe and livable neighborhoods, a City with strong and sustainable financial health, excellent services with a focus on customer service, and most importantly, an engaged citizenry. 

The comprehensive plan RFP asks consulting firms to submit proposals that address 11 plan elements: History and Population; Economy and Economic Development; Land Use; Transportation; Housing; Utilities; Community Facilities and Services; Urban Design; Historic Preservation and Cultural Resources; Natural Resources and the Environment; and Intergovernmental Cooperation.  Proposals for the comprehensive plan are due by January 15, 2014, 3:00 p.m. local time.

The City will evaluate proposals based on the company’s experience and staffing with comprehensive plans, the quality of their proposal and compliance with the RFP, and the consultant’s commitment to innovation and community engagement.

Mayor Bragg stated that public sentiment indicates citizens desire a comprehensive plan or a “road map” for the City.

“Your city leaders and city staff listened, and now, we hope the community will get involved in helping us shape the future,” Bragg said.  “We need the community’s help to keep Murfreesboro a beautiful and progressive City that is a safe place to live with an affordable cost of living.  This will be a major undertaking for the City, one that will forever shape the City of Murfreesboro.”

For additional information concerning the Comprehensive Plan RFP, please visit

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