Inhaling aerosol cans of spray dusters is a dangerous way to get high and evidence shows that it is growing once again in popularity in places like Murfreesboro. The trend is called "Dusting."
Police were called to Walmart on South Rutherford Boulevard in recent days where they met with a 23 year old man who was somewhat confused. The North Spring Street resident was found to be in the tree line next to the store when officers arrived.
When officers made contact with the man, he was surrounded by cans of aerosol dusters. A police report noted, "I made contact with a subject surrounded by cans of dust cleaner who appeared to be under the influence."
Police say the first thing the man asked for were more cans of spray dust cleaner "So he could take the pain away." The man advised that he had been outside for over 24 hours and had been inhaling or huffing about 30 cans of air duster.
The 23 year old was transported to St. Thomas Rutherford Hospital and later released. Upon his release from the emergency room, he was taken to the local jail and charged with theft and the unlawful use of an inhalant. The man was booked under a $4,500 bond.
What Happens when you inhale?
When you inhale it, it fills up your lungs and keeps the good air with oxygen out. It decreases the oxygen to your brain, to your heart. A 2005 USA Today article stated, "The high from the gas paralyzes the user for several minutes and gives a feeling of euphoria. Both dusting and huffing can result in damage to the brain, lungs, heart, kidneys and liver, and can cause death."
MPD Arrest 17-2554