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Governor made "Constitutional Carry" promise for firearm carrying

Dec 09, 2014 at 04:35 pm by bryan

Source: TN Firearms Assoc.


Each of the members of the Tennessee House of Representatives will soon be called upon to vote on the officer of Speaker.

In the last few years, numerous promises have been made by those seeking elected office in Tennessee regarding what "Republicans" would do if they were to be given a numerical majority in the General Assembly and/or supported for the office of Governor. Indeed, Bill Haslam actually promised the Tennessee Firearms Association that he would sign into law legislation adopting "Constitutional Carry" when such legislation came to him. Indeed, here is the video (ABOVE) of Bill Haslam standing in a meeting in Nashville of the Tennessee Firearms Association which such promise was made.

In four (4) years, that has not occurred. Similarly, the TFA has had a long standing history with Rep. Beth Harwell and knows too well her predispositions toward the Second Amendment. We know too well the shenanigans that occurred in 2014 when it appears that Rep. Charles Sargent was instructed to make sure that the 2nd Amendment legislation sponsored by Rep. VanHuss be stopped in House Finance even if that required the use and reliance on a misleading and probably fraudulent fiscal note from the Administration.

For these and other reasons, the Tennessee Firearms Association believes that Tennesseans deserve a House Speaker who has demonstrated that he or she is guided by core constitutional principles, by stewardship for the public, and by a focus on fair and proper oversight of the legislative procedures so that stunts like the shenanigans involving knowingly false fiscal notes and other leadership stunts are eliminated from this upcoming legislative session.

Source: TN Firearms Assoc.

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