Monday Swap'n Shop

Aug 31, 2015 at 08:16 am by bryan

For Sale: guineas; Wants: 1 ton truck (80s or 90s) 615-556-4915

For Sale: okra and hot peppers 615-896-2773

For Sale: 13-inch TV $10; vapor pipe with charger $20 615-892-4157

For Sale: firewood $35/rick; Service: will haul or clean-up 617-7626

For Sale: 1973 Mercedes LS-450 with V-8, hardtop that comes off 615-243-7736

For Sale: 2 bar stools with backs 615-631-5581

Wants: goats 615-593-8422

Wants Someone: 60 acres of hay 615-809-6079

For Sale: small wooden DR table; 12 speed blender; electric can opener (all $10 each) 615-890-0707

For Sale: 1979 Chevy car hauler truck (wedge bed) 615-785-5288

For Sale: 8 acres of land 12-miles from Murfreesboro off John Bragg Highway; heavy duty electric tread mill; antique trunk 615-895-1258

For Sale: washer and dryer; entertainment center 615-512-9802

Sections: Swap and Shop