Murfreesboro Milestone Wednesday: Gas $2.48/gal.

Nov 19, 2014 at 07:49 pm by bryan

A milestone has been reached in Murfreesboro. On Wednesday, November 19th, some discounters dropped the price of regular gas below the two-fifty level. In fact, one is offering low-octane petro for $2.48.

That's the magic level dreamed of by many consumers. Is there anything to it, or is this a marketing ploy?


It's not known for certain if the prices are dropping because the U.S. is becoming energy independent, or winter gas needs less additives and is less expensive to make, or if the refineries and auto manufacturers are trying to make the consumer feel enough at ease to buy gas guzzler vehicles.

In fact, government might fit into that game as well, since the money collected from gas tax has dropped dramatically since more hybrids and battery operated vehicles have been sold. As a result, we are not using as much gas; therefore less taxes are being collected on the sale of petroleum. Keep in mind those sale tax dollars build and maintain roads.

We don't really know the cause of $2.48 gas, but more than likely--it won't be long-term. To borrow words from a boomer generation hit song by Janis Joplin: "Get It While You Can"!

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