Tuesday Swap'n Shop

Mar 04, 2014 at 08:15 am by bryan

For Sale: lady's ¾ length beaver coat (size 16) $100; 55 gallon aquariums and accessories; Stratocaster electric guitar 617-3586

For Sale: 1999 Chevy S-10 for parts; old Coke machine; guns (trade for pickup) 663-3077

For Rent: 3 BR 2 bath home 5-miles south of Murfreesboro; Service: will mow lawns 895-5746

For Sale: lady's size 12 black winter coat $10; 6 speed blender $12; new 5 speed mixer $12 890-0707

Wants: someone to design and build a website; For Sale: Southern gospel CD's 569-7734

For Sale: formal cherry DR set; 907-1215 (after 4PM)

Wants: Ford 4600 tractor, need ejector parts 593-8422

For Sale: Dale Earnhardt, Jr. collectibles 631-0410

For Sale: 1977 GMC pickup $800; 3 motors (Chevy); small motorcycle $500 618-5438

For Sale: Beta CDs, box set of Garth Brooks, bag of books 474-4478


Sections: Swap and Shop