Monday Swap'n Shop

Apr 14, 2014 at 08:13 am by bryan

Service: mow yards; For Sale: 7-acres of land 5-miles south of Murfreesboro 427-9488

Wants: someone to tear down a shed 410-7935

Wants: Black Angus Bull (1100-1200 pounds, 2-years old or younger); For Sale: Semitole Bull 896-0939

For Sale: waffle iron $6; cordless phone $8; 4-cup Mr. Coffee $4 890-0707

For Sale: 2 horse “tag along” trailer $800; Wants: guineas 972-333

For Sale: Sony 32-inch flat screen TV $150; 2 lady's (XL) fur coats $100 each 617-3586

For Sale: 8 furniture sliders; Dale Earnhardt, Sr. newspaper story 806-5832

For Sale: amplifier for car; pool table with accessories 635-1964



Sections: Swap and Shop