Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Oct 07, 2015 at 08:13 am by bryan

For Sale: 13-inch TV $10; shower head $10; vapor pipe with charger 615-648-6679

Yard Sale: Thursday and Friday (7AM-?) at 2235 Haven Drive (off Memorial near Walmart). 615-427-3022

Wants: woman's mid-size 3-speed bike with wide seat 615-848-0463

Wants: someone to do painting in a house (today); For Sale: manure spreader 615-427-9488

Christmas Yard Sale: 3158 Armstrong Valley Rd. Thu-Sat (7AM-?) 615-893-5465

For Sale: 2 white wedding dresses $100 for long sleeve dress; sleeveless $150; Yard Sale: Saturday 8AM-nonon 435 Tulane Ct. 615-491-5372

For Sale: 0-turn Dixon 30-inch riding mower $500; 3 push mowers; 2 Steele weed eaters 615-563-7352

For Sale: used breakfast table and chairs $40; leather coat (female size 26) $200; cell phone with charger $124 615-624-7746

For Sale: 40HP short-shaft Mercury motor with all accessories 615-210-1767

Sections: Swap and Shop