ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Commentary on Free Speech

Mar 14, 2016 at 12:15 pm by bryan

The idea of free speech is really pretty simple: you get to say what you want. You can be silly, obnoxious or even downright hateful, but you get to have your say. But Dr. Larry Burris, MTSU Professor of Journalism says, of course, the other folks also get to say what they want...

Another part of free speech is the idea that other people get to hear what you have to say.

And there is yet another part of free speech, but one that some people apparently have a problem with: you don't get to try to stop the other person from talking, and you don't get to try to stop the audience from listening.

So this past weekend showed us an almost total breakdown in the all-American value of free speech. You may not like what Donald Trump has to say, and you may disagree with his ideas, but it is un-American, not to mention just plain impolite to try to block his speech, and prevent those who want to listen to have the opportunity to do so.

That's what the thugs and black-shirts in Nazi Germany did to speakers they wanted to silence. And pretty soon there was only one point of view that was allowed to be spoken . . . or heard.

Now, let's be clear: all sides need to have the opportunity to say what they want. Free from interruption and intimidation. You should have the opportunity to say what you want, and your followers should have the opportunity to hear what you have to say. Without other people trying to stop you.

Another quirky part of the right to free speech is that when someone tries to prevent free speech they are not exercising their own right to free speech. They are, in fact, preventing debate and discussion. Both of which are essential to the proper functioning of our democracy. And the solution to bad ideas is not less speech, but more, as both sides engage in civil back-and-forth. And notice the use of the word "civil."

After all, if you stop those folks you disagree with today, maybe tomorrow someone will try to stop you.

Sections: News