Rotarian Opens DOORS OF HOPE To Save At-Risk Lives

Apr 28, 2015 at 02:16 pm by bryan

Murfreesboro Rotarian Steve Reeves told fellow members of a new non-profit that will hopefully save children's lives this summer. Howard's Hope works locally through Doors of Hope to offer swim lessons to at-risk youth. He explained why he is passionate about this cause . . .



Data shows that 70 per cent of pre-schoolers who drown are in the care of one or both parents at that time.

Reeves continued . . .


Statistics show that 70 per cent of African-American under the age of five do not know how to swim. 60 per cent of Hispanic youth, and 40 per cent of Caucasians under age five are not comfortable in water.

Reeves noted that children who have had formal swimming lessons have an 88 per cent reduction in drowning incidences. In addition to saving their life, research shows that children who learn water safety skills also benefit with overall cognitive, physical and emotional development.

The classes will be taught at the YMCA. For more information, visit their website

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