Senator Wants to Legalize the Growing of Hemp in Tennessee

Aug 28, 2013 at 03:30 am by bryan

A bill that would make hemp farming legal in Tennessee could soon be on the table in the state legislature, and one East Tennessee senator is behind the big push. If this were to pass then the next corn field you pass in Rutherford County could soon be a field of Hemp. 

Hemp farming is currently illegal in Tennessee, but legal in Kentucky... Well, sort of legal in Kentucky. We should specify that growing the plant is prohibited by federal law.

Republican Senator Frank Niceley of Strawberry Plains says that hemp itself is legal and that growing it should be too. “Hemp is legal. You can import it. You can export it. You can buy it. You can sell it. It’s only illegal for a farmer to raise it. I want to change that,” said Niceley.

Next year is when the bill proposal will come into play for Tennessee. By the way, Nicely who is a Republican was said to be raised around agriculture. 
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