Thursday Swap'n Shop

Jul 30, 2015 at 08:34 am by bryan

For Sale: 13-inch JVC TV $15; vapor pipe with charger $25 615-892-4157

For Sale: central air unit (make offer) 615-459-5364

Yard Sale/Moving Sale: This Friday and Saturday (6:30AM-?) at 114 Paschall Drive (off 96-W) with boat, motors, back packs, etc. 615-427-8365

Free: mulch (in bags in their garage) 615-895-0455

For Sale: small kitchen table; electric can opener; 12 cup Mr. Coffee (all $10 each) 615-890-0707

Yard Sale: 5307 Elam Rd. Friday and Saturday (in front of Whitworth-Buchanan School); Wants: lawns to mow; For Rent: 1 BR mobile home on Elam Rd. 615-427-9488

For Sale: tomatoes 615-896-1243

For Sale: 1978 Chevy short-bed pickup with rebuilt transmission, $2,900 615-642-2197

For Sale: butcher pigs 85-cents per pounds, chicken and rabbits 615-273-2113

For Sale: 3 single-barrel, pump shotguns 615-260-5664

Sections: Swap and Shop