Thursday Swap'n Shop

Oct 01, 2015 at 08:12 am by bryan

For Sale: lawn mowers and weed eaters (parts too); electric stove, AC unit 615-995-2637

For Sale: fresh mustard greens, turnip greens and collard greens 896-2773

Yard Sale: 7AM-2PM 4-family Yard Sale at corner of Crestland and Greenland (across from laundrymat and Mexican restaurant) with antiques, furniture, tools and more 615-653-3680

Wants: flat bed trailer (bumper or gooseneck) 615-556-4915

For Sale: 13-inch JVC TV $10; shower head $10 615-423-4566

For Sale: 1980 GMC car hauler 615-785-5288

For Sale: .380 revolver; .22 rifle with laser; Beretta .22 931-619-2855

For Sale: hard wood flooring (160 sq. ft., oak, unfinished) $250; small storage building (5 x 8-ft.) 615-202-7689

Wants: small window AC (5,000-6,000 BTU) 615-459-5364

For Sale: 2002 Dodge Ram, 150K miles, new tires, $1,500 615-440-9550

Sections: Swap and Shop