UPDATE: Man released from jail after allegedly driving car through Barfield Park Frisbee Golf Course

Jul 07, 2014 at 11:16 am by bryan

In case you did not know, it is actually a no-no to drive your car through the disc golf course at Barfield Park. One man, by the name of Jason Rickard, was seen doing just that this past Thursday and we wanted to update you on the story. WGNS has confirmed that Rickard has been released from the Rutherford County Adult Detention Center and is free on bond.

According to a police report, the 37-year old “Was intoxicated and driving his vehicle through the grass areas of Barfield Park, almost running down multiple people.” When police arrived at the park, Rickard was “sitting on the ground next to his vehicle.” One witness told authorities that Rickard was “driving through the disc golf course and almost hit two females who began yelling at him.” The witness said the subject then got out of his car and approached the women in an aggressive manner. That was when the witness struck the suspect in the face stating, “He was afraid of the women’s safety.”


Needless to say, Rickard was arrested on charges of Public Intoxication, Reckless Endangerment and Disorderly Conduct. He is set to appear in court on August 6, 2014.


MPD Incident Report #14-13001
MPD Arrest Report #14-13001
Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office


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