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Victim robbed of his dinner from Taco Bell and his EMPTY wallet on S. Church St.

Apr 02, 2013 at 06:59 pm by bryan

A robbery was reported on Monday night in the parking lot of the Regal Inn on South Church Street. The victim told police he had just purchased food from a nearby restaurant and was walking back to his room when a car filled with three men and one woman pulled up next to him. Two of the subjects pushed the victim to the ground and repeatedly hit him in the head. The unknown assailants then fled the scene with his wallet and his recently purchased food.

Here's the kicker... The subjects did not get anything of real value to anyone but the victim. If the men are caught, they may end up doing jail time for the theft of TACO'S. The police report showed that the culprits got away with Taco's from Taco Bell, an older model slide cell phone, a social security card and a wallet that was EMPTY. 


At this point no arrests have been made.


Murfreesboro Police Incident Report #13-6264



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