Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Mar 26, 2014 at 08:14 am by bryan


For Sale: Cricket phone (new) $20 900-8627

For Rent: private room and bath, close to MTSU, cable TV and utilities furnished, $500/mo. (no deposit) 414-6689

For Sale: refrigerator; weed eater on wheels; 235 diesel tractor 618-5438

For Sale: new microwave oven; guitar and amp; small refrigerator 713-7732

For Sale: oak corner fireplace with artificial logs (it does heat) $180; sofa table with glass top $30 893-6564

For Sale: twin box springs and mattress; armoire; 10-speed woman's bike 332-4742

For Sale: decorative cake server; 6-speed blender 890-0707

For Sale: garage door (insulated and has all hardware) plus garage door opener; car top carrier 578-7991

For Sale: computer tower and 3 flat screen monitors $60; $40 for Target gift card (take $30) 225-7845

For Sale: breakfast table and chairs $60; 2 big chairs $150 each; hospital pot $20 893-5476

For Sale: chest freezer $50 869-9820

Wants: coffee table and 2 end tables 738-8441

Wants: 3 wheel bike for exercise 896-3919


Sections: Swap and Shop