Wednesday Swap'n Shop

Nov 21, 2012 at 08:29 am by bryan

Free: 1-year old housebroken Pug dog 603-2474

For Sale: Tyco Spirit of '76 train set $100; porcelain dolls; antique crank-up victrola $75 617-3586For Sale: wood heater; cordless mic; equipment for cordless guitar 243-7736

Free: bathroom vanity (57 inches long); For Sale: push mower 895-1258

For Sale: lady's nice clothing and two-piece sets $40 for all; Craftsman bench saw 893-5794

For Sale: 2 DR set ($75 and $100); 7-week old Pit Bull $60 979-4595

Wants: Pomerania tea cup puppy 542-1873

For Sale: refrigerator; chest freezer 24 cubic foot; dryer 273-2460

Wants: queen size box springs and mattress; king size bed, springs and mattress 904-0591 (Donna)

For Sale: 3 bicycles $20 each (all 3 for $75) 867-1010

Sections: Swap and Shop