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WGNS came on the air Dec. 31, 1946 with a full day of broadcast in 1947

Mar 26, 2013 at 07:23 pm by bryan

See the article in the Daily News Journal documenting WGNS going "ON THE AIR" in 1947:

Tuesday, December 31, 1946
“WGNS Opens Tonight With ‘47 Broadcast”
Murfreesboro’s new radio station WGNS, operating at 1450 on the dial goes into operation tonight with a special local program and a New Year’s program via the Mutual Broadcasting System,  it was announced today by Cecil Elrod, Jr. general manager and  Bill Pepper, station manager. 
At 10 o’clock a special review of popular music will be presented in a thirty minute program at 10:00 o’clock an introductory program entitled “This is WGNS” will be heard at which time information will be given concerning the radio station, the personnel and a brief outline of the programs which will be offered for the pleasure of the listening public. 
New Years Greetings from Times Square will be heard from some of the nations outstanding personalities, Mr. Pepper said. At 11 o’clock and continuing until 3 a.m. the “Good Neighbor Station” as WGNS is designated, will present a dancing party with music furnished by the nations leading dance bands. 
A feature of the New Year’s Day program, Mr. Pepper continued, will be the broadcast of the Cotton Bowl game at Dallas, which will begin at 1 o’clock to the followed by the Shriners’ benefit East - West game at 3:45 p.m.
The broadcast this evening will mark the befinning of a 30-day test period as authorized by the Federal Communications Commission, it was understood, at the end of which time, a formal opening of WGNS will be held. 
Have information to add? Tell us about it! Email WGNS today:
Fun Facts from 1946 - 1947
  • “Tide”, the first detergent designed for automatic clothes washing machines, introduced
  • The population in Murfreesboro between 1940 and 1947 was at about 13,000. 1920 Census information shows the population in 1940 was 9,495 and 13,052 in 1950. 
  • First electric clothes dryers goes on the market for the public
  • Suntan lotions, developed for troops during World War II, marketed to consumers for the first time. 
  • Average cost of a new house was $5,600
  • One gallon of gas was .15 cents
  • Annual salary (or income) was $2, 500
  • The first Murfreesboro Planning Commission was formed, Jennings A. Jones asked to serve as chair
  • Gov. of Tennessee in 1946: Jim McCord
  • Cost of a new car was $1,250
  • Dec 31st - Pres. Harry Truman officially proclaims end of WW II
Founder of WGNS Radio: 
CECIL ELROD 	   Born: 21 Jan 1913    Died: Jul 1977  (Murfreesboro, TN)
Sections: WGNS History