MPD Officer & Wife Arrested by TBI - Officer to be Decomissioned

Sep 04, 2013 at 01:30 pm by bryan

At first Officer Andrew Messick was only decommissioned, we have now learned that it has been recommended by the Chief of Police that he be terminated.

Murfreesboro Police Officer Andrew Messick and his wife Crystal were arrested in July after a TBI investigation led to them being charged with drug possession. The two allegedly tried to trade their T-V for hydrocodone pills. Hydrocodone is a highly addictive pain killer that is often sold on the streets. The arrest came after the T-B-I received a tip that the alleged trade was about to take place in the parking lot of a Murfreesboro Walgreens. The couple were arrested after the alleged exchange.

Messick, who was hired by the M-P-D in September of 2010, was assigned to the uniformed patrol division. If the last name sounds familiar, his father and grandfather also served within the Murfreesboro Police Department… as a former assistant chief and chief.

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