(With Audio) City Council Gives "Thumbs-Up" To Using Consultants To Help Plan Approximately 484 Acres of New Parks and Golf Course

Jul 26, 2013 at 08:15 am by bryan

On Thursday night (7/25/2013) the Murfreesboro City Council gave a thumbs-up to the idea of hiring consultants to help improve the local park system and recreational facilities. Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation Department plans on creating a 300-plus acre park in the west part of town to serve the Blackman and Cason Lane areas.

Parks Department Director Lanny Goodwin commented...

Councilman Shane McFarland believes the economic benefits the park could bring as a host for sports tournaments is undeniable.

485 Acres New Park and Golf Course For West Murfreesboro

Councilman Shane McFarland pointed out that the city's population is nearing 110-thousand residents, and much of that growth is in the western part of this community. He noted there are no city parks to serve that rapidly growing segment of Murfreesboro.

This is not a new idea, in fact it has been one of the regular topics on the Murfreesboro Parks' talk radio shows on WGNS. However, after the council meeting, you could tell it was more than simply in the concept stage.

In fact, Parks and Recreation Director Lanny Goodwin told the council that he hoped to have the first phase of the new park completed within 5-years. Cost for that project, including land purchase, is forecast to be around $20.6-million.

In the detailed outline for the park on the westside of Murfreesboro, 335 acres are said to be needed for current and future growth needs.

In addition to the park in the Blackman area, the city plans to purchase almost 150 more acres adjacent to the park for a 9-hole golf course with driving range. That's a total of approximately 485 acres planned for a new west side golf course and community park.

MTSU-City Partnership For Indoor Tennis Courts

Another major improvement approved by the council Thursday evening was for eight indoor tennis courts to be constructed at the Old Fort Park. This project is a partnership between MTSU and the city, and has been put on a "fast track" with opening estimated to be September, 2014.

The old community building next to the ball parks would be razed for the eight indoor courts. Estimates place this project at $3.2-million. There are 24 tennis courts presently at the Old Fort Park.

It was pointed out that these and other city sporting facilities have a proven record of attracting millions of tourism dollars to the community each with tournaments in the various sports.

McFadden Renovations

The Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation Department also plans to make renovations at the McFadden Community Center on Bridge Avenue.

There are several minor improvements, including changes to the entrance to the facility. However, major renovations focused on a new roof for the gym, replacing some of the gym floor, and what is described as "substantial work" on the building's heating and air conditioning system. $633,000 in city funds are available for this work, however estimates put the job at $612,663. A big part of the roof expense is the removal of existing asbestos materials and disposing of this material.

As you recall from earlier WGNS' newscasts, on June 5, 2013, the Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation Commission approved a contract for architectural and engineering work to be done by Murfreesboro's Johnson and Bailey Architects. 

Westview Mini-Park Improvements

Improvements to the 1.7-acre Westview Mini-Park at the intersection of February and Smith Streets was included in the plans. A state matching grant for $75,000 with an equal amount from the city will help to create an improved playground area, walking and tricycle paths, and landscaping.

Full Details:  City Council Agenda

If there are any specific details WGNS' listeners/electronic newspaper readers wish to secure, CLICK HERE for the complete Murfreesboro City Council agenda for the July 25, 2013 meeting. It includes details about contracts, maps and photographs.

Sections: News