More dogs on the loose in Rutherford County - Violating Leash Laws

May 20, 2014 at 11:34 am by bryan

Two large Mastiff breed dogs that were not on a leash required the use of force to get them into their cages on Monday afternoon.

Murfreesboro Police responded to Robinwood Drive where they found two large Mastiff’s outside of a home. Police were called to the street by a neighbor who said the dogs were running loose.

When police arrived, the dogs were in a neighbor’s driveway. Officer Ferrell wrote in a report that the dogs did not follow basic commands. The officer then pulled out the pepper spray. After spraying a short burst of spray, the report states, “Both dogs continued to move toward my position, aggressively.”

Several seconds later, the dogs felt the spray and Officer Ferrell was able to force the dogs into their crates. The crates were inside an open garage at 3213 Robinwood Drive.

Police were not able to contact the owners of the dogs and the Pet Adoption and Welfare Services Office was called to the scene.

What does the local law say about unleashed animals?


1.         All dogs and cats over the age of three months must be vaccinated for rabies.
            (Section #1)

2.         All vaccinated dogs and cats must have the numbered tag given to the owner at the time of vaccination attached to a collar and worn at all times.  (Section #4)

3.        The certificate of vaccination must be kept by the owner and be available for inspection by Animal Services Officers when requested. (Section #1)

4.        Hunting dogs while in chase or returning from chase may have their collars with vaccination tag removed, but they must be vaccinated and registered. (Section #4)

5.        It is against the law to permit any dog or cat to run at large except as mentioned in #4 above. (Section #5, A, 3)

6.        Female dogs must be kept confined from the first symptoms of heat for twenty-four  (24) days. (Section #6)

7.        All vicious or biting dogs must be either securely tied by a strong collar and chain, fenced or housed securely and a “Bad Dog” sign on the front entrance to the premises must be clearly visible and easily read from a distance sufficient to protect anyone from attack. (Section #9)


1.    Any dog or cat found running at large, off the registered owner’s property, or the 
       dog or cat custodian’s property, may be picked up and held at the County shelter.
       (Section #7A)

2.   Animal Services Officers are not allowed to pick up an animal on private property
      without the permission of that property. 

3.    If the animal is not redeemed within five (5) working days and the owner is known, 
       the animal will be made available for adoption or destroyed depending upon 
       available kennel space. (Section #7D)

4.    Reasonable attempts will be made to contact the owner throughout this five day

5.    Animals picked up with no identification and with no means of determining ownership
       will be placed for adoption after three (3) working days or destroyed, depending upon
       available kennel space. (Section #7G)

6.    If any dog or cat has bitten any person or is suspected of being infected with rabies,
       that animal must be confined and observed either at the shelter or at a veterinary
       hospital for a time to be determined by the Health Department. (10 days)

7.    It is against the law to hide, conceal, aid or assist in the hiding of any animal in
       violation of provisions of the Private Act. (Section #12)


MPD Incident #14-9527
Rutherford County Leash Laws

Sections: News