Robin Robertson, a 4th grade teacher at Wilson Elementary, is this month's Educator of the Month

Aug 11, 2014 at 01:11 pm by bryan

Robin Robertson is this month's "Educator of the Month." She is a 4th grade teacher at Wilson Elementary...

So, what keeps you going back after so many years in the classroom...

Every classroom full of different kids with different personalities. Does that make it challenging for you as a teacher...

4th grade is a big transition year and can be tough for the kids...

What is your secret to making learning such hard subject matter fun...

What would you say is the most important part of your job...

What's it like to have former students come back and tell you about their successes...

Do you have any advise for those who aspire to become a teacher...

Robin Robertson, a 4th grade teacher at Wilson Elementary School is this month's "Educator of the Month." The Educator of the Month salute on WGNS is sponsored by City Tile and Floor Covering on Spring Street, Claiborne and Taylor Insurance, L&K Trophies along with Toot's Good Food and Fun.

Sections: Educator of the Month