For Sale: fiberglass camper top (fair to good condition) $100; large fish pond (will install for you) $60; Magnavox console stereo $75 (or trade an item for a 12.5 or larger B&S mower engine) 752-2816
For Sale: Straight Talk cell phone $50; couch and love seat $150 617-7061
Needs Help: wants someone to put a Hover-around lift on the back bumper of a 2000 Chevy Malibu LL 895-2037
For Sale: load of red bricks (half pallet) 631-7648
For Sale: 1966 El Camino; 1972 Ford rollback 893-1114
Wants: someone in Franklin Road/Rucker Lane area who has Bobcat or grader to level a place in yard where tree once was located 848-0463
For Sale: kitchen island with white top; 30 concrete 4 x 4 block pears 653-0769
For Sale: small Kawasaki 4-wheeler $450 931-580-1717
For Sale: 7-week old Doberman Pincher puppies; Chihuahuas 896-8141
For Sale: 12 x 12 x 12-foot Spiderman bounce house $1,000 504-4829
For Sale: love seat; high back chair; chase lounge with ottoman $250 for all 308-1082
For Sale: weed eaters (for parts) $20 for 7; Wants: flat rock for a coy pond, or a fountain 848-0463
For Sale: old trunks; Dale Earnhardt, Jr. memorabilia; old quilt 631-0410