For Sale: 15-foot fishing boat with 60HP motor + trolling motor and trailer $1,500; motorcycle; bumper pool table 243-7736
For Sale: 24-foot aluminum extension ladder $40 618-0476
For Sale: hot tub $1,200, seats 4-5, it works 893-5353
For Sale: 42-inch fan; smaller fan; ceramic 12 x 12 tiles (6 boxes) $20 631-6021
For Sale: leaf blower; weed eater; microwave 568-1361
For Sale: garden wheel barrow (light weight) $25 624-7034
Wants: deck for Ultra Murray riding mower 410-7935
For Sale: 20-cubic foot refrigerator with freezer on top $80; set of kitchen cabinets (36-inch wide) base and upper cabinet wit cup rack $80 for complete set 898-0297
For Sale: glass table 355-7534
For Sale: 2 wheel grocery basket $10; walker with wheels on front $10; computer monitor $10 506-0748
For Sale: 110-volt 4,000 BTU AC $35; 4-foot metal glider $35; 4-foot wooden porch swing with A-frame $35 after 6PM 713-9688
For Sale: cell phone with camera and keyboard with charger $50; couch and love seat $140 617-7061
For Sale: child’s electric 4-wheel with rubber tires 796-3204
For Sale: 4 pieces of LR furniture; 3 wheel bike tire stroller $100 308-1082
For Sale: 1992 GMC black pickup, air, automatic 361-3129
Wants: utility trailer (6 x 14 or 6 x 16-feet) 653-5077