For Sale: cell phone, keyboard, camera $50; couch and love seat $150 617-7061
For Sale: large dresser with 3 drawers, 2 doors, round mirror, light colored wood, $100 849-9564
Yard Sale: 3325 Briarwood Drive (off Lascassas Pike) Friday and Saturday (6AM-2PM) 542-1873
For Sale: 15-foot fiberglass boat, 60HP motor, trolling motor, trailer, etc. all for $1,500; bumper pool table; Harley bike 243-7736
For Sale: 1992 Honda Accord $700; Murray riding mower $100 896-9255
For Sale: 3 donkeys (2 males and 1 female); Wants: 5-foot tag along bush hog (not 3 point hitch); For Sale: 3 wheels for GM dually and tires 848-3590
Wants: silver dollars (including Eisenhower dollar) 692-4631
For Sale: Chitzu dog $125 849-5813
For Sale: Snapper SR-1028 riding mower with electric start $450; Stingray motorcycle $40; 110 volt window AC $40 after 6PM 713-9688
For Sale: old fruit jars; Murray riding mower (needs some work) 38-inch cut $50; push mower; Wants: junk 485-7305
Yard Sale: today through Saturday 7AM (attic clean-up) 1023 Netherland Drive (off Minerva) 890-4233
For Sale: computer monitor $10; walker for elderly person $10; 2 wheel grocery basket $10 506-0748