For Sale: small kitchen island; concrete piers 653-0769
For Sale: 15-foot boat, motor, trailer $1,500; bumper pool table $150; motorcycle (Harley) 243-7736
For Sale: furniture (he is downsizing); wooden kid’s play set with swing, slide and more 853-4883
Wants: used 200-300 gallon water tank for livestock; hay ring 542-1903
For Sale: 2006 Suzuki 4-wheeler 653-2411
For Sale: 2 wheel wire grocery basket $10; walker $5; computer monitor $10 506-0748
For Sale: king-size headboard and footboard $100; Wants: someone to repair AC 556-3467
For Sale: old fruit jars (antiques); 1940’s clock; Service: haul junk free 485-7305
For Sale: 1981 Dodge truck (automatic); Wants: boar hog 506-1150
For Sale: Harley Davidson style bicycle $40 (after 6PM) 713-9688
For Sale: 7-speed Hamilton Beach blender $8; toaster oven $10; new speakerphone $10 890-0707
For Sale: electric blanket $20; loveseat and couch; cell phone $50 617-7061