Rutherford County Sheriff Robert Arnold

Jun 17, 2015 at 09:09 am by bryan

(L-R photo) Criminal Investigations Division Captain David Hailey and Rutherford County Sheriff Robert Arnold.

Guest on the broadcast included Sheriff Arnold, Captain Hailey and Jason Fuqua who is in charge of the garden and outside maintenance at the Rutherford County Adult Detention Center.

They talked about the investigation of the death of Nell Blankenship and noted that there were numerous rumors circulating, and if anyone has information that they need to contact Detective Jason Dowdle at 615-904-3044.

Sheriff Arnold reported on the amount of drugs confiscated on Rutherford County roads from Bonnaroo visitors.

There was also discussion on how they are in the process of installing a greenhouse to make the inmate's garden more year-around. Sheriff Arnold noted that all garden expenses were covered with funds received from recycling tin cans and wood plats. In addition to the garden, inmates also have chickens which yield about a dozen eggs daily. Arnold commented that this was not enough to serve the nearly 1,000 inmates, but the real benefit came from showing inmates how to work together and the knowledge of gardening as well as the principals of running a small business.

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