For Sale: push mower; large chain saw; concrete block 653-0769
Yard Sale: Friday and Saturday (7AM) at 2503 Regency Park Drive (corner of Haynes Drive) 898-0297
For Sale: cell phone with keyboard and charger $50; electric queen size blanket $20; chain billfold $10 542-1602
For Sale: Abu Garcia rod and reel $100 692-8860
For Sale: man’s 10-speed bike; 2 wheel wheel-barrow 867-1010
For Sale: 33 rpm record albums 893-3382
Wants: 40-gallon aquarium 962-7506
For Sale: love seat, chase, high back chair all for $200 308-1082
For Sale: deep sea fishing rod and reel; 50 year old collectible rod and real; pocket watches 624-7307
For Sale: 5HP go-cart motor $75; 2 rod and reel and full tackle box $40; 2 cushion love seat $45 568-1361
For Sale: washer and dryer $125 692-2981
For Sale: 2 male Chihuahua puppies 617-7626
For Sale: Southern Gospel 25 CD’s for $10; 2 wheel wire basket; computer monitor $10 506-0748
For Sale: male Great Pyrenees 895-9053
Wants: fishing or Jon boat 931-619-2456
For Sale: pigeons; 3 rims and tires for GM dually truck (16-inch) 848-3590