Juvenile Court Held An Open House Thursday Night

Oct 22, 2015 at 07:28 pm by bryan

Thursday (10/22/2015) night's seventh annual open house at the Rutherford County Juvenile Court Center was a huge success. NewsRadio WGNS asked Judge Donna Scott Davenport how the idea of an open house got started . . .

(Time: 30-seconds)

Visitors had an opportunity to tour the facility as well as purchase books that would be added to the Juvenile Court Center's library. We asked the judge about some of the comments she was hearing . . .

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That was Juvenile Court Judge Donna Scott Davenport.

Remember, if you are having child raising problems, you can walk-in to the Rutherford County Juvenile Court Center for help any Wednesday. They're at 1710 South Church Street, across from the Dodge and Jeep dealer. Judge Donna Scott Davenport is on WGNS on the first Tuesday morning of each month from 8:10 to 9:00AM. Tune to AM 1450, FM 100.5, FM 101.9 and worldwide at www.WGNSradio.com.

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