List of items accomplished in 2015 by Murfreesboro

Dec 23, 2015 at 05:32 pm by bryan

The end of 2015 and the beginning of a new year, 2016, allows time to reflect on the City's accomplishments during the past year. The following is a list of accomplishments City Manager Rob Lyons communicated to City leadership during the final staff meeting of 2015. It's also a list Murfreesboro citizens can take pride in as the community heads into 2016.

Safe and livable neighborhoods

Strong and sustainable financial and economic health

Excellent services with a focus on customer service

Engaging our community

2015 has been another prosperous year for the growing City of Murfreesboro.

In 2016, the City Council and City management will continue to focus on its four major goals in the New Year:

1. Safe and livable neighborhoods.

2. Strong and sustainable financial and economic health.

3. Excellent services with a focus on customer service.

4. Engaging our community.

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