For Sale: cell phone with charger; electric blanket (queen size); chain billfold 974-7828
For Sale: boat, motor and trailer; bumper pool table; motorcycle 243-7736
For Sale: 10HP generator with 5 gallon gas tank $325; battery charger (portable on wheels) $80; Native American jewelry 624-6363
Wants: girl’s 8 and 10 clothing and size 1 shoe (Donna) 904-0591
For Sale: military issue socks $50 per case 631-0410
For Sale: go cart frame; small motorcycle frame $75 for both 568-1361
For Sale: 2 tables (54-inch round pedestal oak table with 3 leaves) $50; antique early American maple drop leaf $75 (fits behind sofa); bundle of a dozen or so magazine vegetarian cookbooks $5 for all 848-0463
For Sale: 1984 Pontiac Trans AM $1,100 (needs paint) 542-4528
For Sale: boxes of audio cable 476-7632