Revenues from SportsCom’s newest facility, ‘Boro Beach, more than tripled from 2009 to 2011 or from $47,567.50 in 2009 to $169,606 by this past Labor Day weekend, according to Operations Coordinator Tommy Gregory.
Labor Day is the official cutoff for receipts each year, Gregory said. Revenues from 2010 to 2011 were up approximately 52 percent or from $88, 240.50 to $169,606, he added. “Sports Com has been open for 24 years and we brought in more revenue this summer than we did in 17 of those 24 years. I think that is very impressive."
Gregory concluded, “The outdoor pool did not open last year until July, so that had an impact on the totals in 2010 but it still was a very good summer.”
Outdoor concessions more than doubled from 2009 to 2011, according to his report, or from $43,340.75 to $93,899.50. From 2010 to 2011, revenues were up a little more than 13 percent from $71,087.50 in 2010 to $93,899.50 in 2011.
Revenues were also up for indoor facilities, Gregory reported. From 2009 to 2011 there was an increase of $2,545.06 and, from 2010 to 2011, there was an increase of $7,004,26.
The total for all three categories shows that revenue from the outdoor pool (‘Boro Beach) more than doubled from $166,986.39 in 2009 to $342,128.70 in 2011 and were up about 68 percent from 2010 to 2011 or $230,954.95 to $342,128.70.
From 2009 to end of season 2011, 34,577 more people visited the facility, Gregory reported. This represents a 61 percent increase. From 2010 to 2011, 17,860 more people visited.