Yard Sale: 907 Mason Tucker Drive in Smyrna (large) today through Friday
For Sale: set cattle racks for truck $150 962-7136
Wants: 5-foot tag-along bush hog (or transmission for one); For Sale: 3 16-inch GM dually truck wheels; 1 spotted Jack burro (1 year old) 848-3590
For Sale: electric wheel chair (3-years old, used very little) 895-4865
For Sale: 7 speed blender $10; new speaker phone $10, new crock pot (4 qt) $10 890—0707
For Sale: 22-inch gas powered hedge trimmer $25 896-9179 after 5PM
For Sale: 5 x 8-foot utility trailer with metal floor $275; new boy’s bike $40; Craftsman chain saw 895-1258
For Sale: side by side refrigerator; electric guitar; washer and dryer 853-9913
For Sale: bicycle; 24-inch Huffey 10-speed; girl’s and boy’s 20-inch bikes) 867-1010
For Sale: small window AC unit $30 (110 volt) 439-5778
For Sale: 16-foot trailer x 6-feet (new floor); X-Box games $3 each 584-0823
For Sale: 1984 Pontiac Trans AM $1,100 (or trade for vehicle) 542-4528
Wants: newborn baby boy clothes 904-0591