For Sale: 1984 Pontiac Trans AM (or trade for 4-wheeler) $900 542-4528
For Sale: 1986 wrecker with wheel lift; Kawasaki 4-wheeler; Wants: scrap metal and old cars 563-9844
For Sale: electric wheel chair 895-4865
Service: bush hogging 569-4119
For Sale: 7 speed Hamilton Beach blender $10; new speaker phone $10; large toaster oven $10 (new) 890-0707
For Sale: 21-foot Javelin bass boat with 225 HP Johnson 809-4591
For Sale: solid oak round table with 6 chairs $100 for set; sofa bed (very clean) $150 893-9418
For Sale: Formica 4 x 8-foot white sheets $5 per sheet 893-5794
For Sale: 21 porcelain dolls 631-5697
Wants: old Murray lawn mowers for parts; For Sale: chairs and refrigerator 752-2816
For Sale: 2 seater go-cart; medium size walker; cell phone 900-9635
For Sale: cell phone with charger; electric queen size blanket $20; chain billfold $10 974-7828
For Sale: 2001 Pontiac Montana van (clean); 2006 motorized golf cart (low mileage); lift chair 895-2037
For Sale: love seat $15 355-7534
Inside Sale: downsizing to smaller (Thursday, Friday and Saturday) at 1321 Sharon Ct. (Bellwood Crossing) 596-4013
For Sale: stove $70 and refrigerator $110 439-5778