Man Indicted Second Time in Wife's Death

Sep 21, 2011 at 06:41 am by bryan

In Shelbyville, a Murfreesboro man has been indicted for a second time on vehicular homicide charges after evidence from the case was not turned over to the mans attorney and after state troopers failed to appear in court to give testimony. This second indictment came after a judge barred testimony from his upcoming trial, according to the Shelbyville Times Gazette.

51-year old John David Haynes appeared briefly before the Circuit Court on Monday for the indictment. He is scheduled to appear before the courts again on October the 6th. Haynes was operating a motorcycle in June of 2010 when he wrecked killing his wife Pamela Haynes. Evidence in his case and testimony from state troopers was excluded from his trial by Judge Lee Russell last Friday. GPS data was also excluded from the case after troopers failed to appear to give testimony last week. Judge Russell also ordered all evidence in the case to be turned over to Haynes Attourney, Terry Fann, by August 24th. That evidence was never released to Fann. 

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