World Outreach Church will be before the Murfreesboro City Council on Thursday night. The church is seeking a change in zoning for 52-acres they own. The land is currently zoned as residential and the church is hoping to have the land changed to multi family. The church has a tax exemption status of their land now, but that could change in the future depending on what the church plans to do with the land in question. According to a September 18th article in the DNJ, if the church were to build a domestic violence housing complex or low income housing, then the church could keep their tax exempt status. If the land is used for an apartment complex that is not catered to a low income need, then the church could lose their tax exempt status on the 52-acres. The item is number 7 on the Murfreesboro City Council agenda. Another 24-acres of church property could be changed from residential to commercial highway. The state and the county are also taking an interest in the zoning as they are considering a road widening project on Highway 99, which is where World Outreach Church is located next to Barfield Road.