BoroPride Event on Murfreesboro Square Makes History

Aug 27, 2016 at 09:06 pm by bryan

BoroPride, an event celebrating and recognizing those who are part of the LGBTQ community, took place on the Murfreesboro square Saturday evening. This was the very first event that focused on those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) on the square.

Past events that were similar in nature and held in Rutherford County have only taken place on the MTSU campus. Many called the festivities on Saturday historic.

Brendon Holloway is the Chair of the Tennessee Equality Project / Rutherford County committee and Holloway helped to organize the event that took place around the courthouse...

Free hugs were in abundance at the Saturday event. Several organizations like the Murfreesboro Cold Patrol, wore shirts advertising free hugs. The Murfreesboro Cold Patrol helps local homeless throughout the year. The group headed by Jason Bennett also focuses on keeping the homeless warm during the winter months.

Local businesses were set up around the square handing out free food, stickers and even dog treats. Murfreesboro Veterinarian Kathryn McPherson told WGNS...

Again, the first of what will likely become an annual festivial, took place on the Murfreesboro square Saturday afternoon and into the evening.

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