Missing Florida Woman Found Safe in Murfreesboro

Oct 14, 2016 at 10:31 am by bryan

An elderly woman who was reported missing in Florida has been safely located in Murfreesboro.

Evidently, a local woman made contact with 78 year old Dorothy Reardon on the side of Interstate 840 between Lebanon and Murfreesboro this week after the elderly woman ran out of gas. Police in Murfreesboro reported that Mrs. Reardon seemed confused and then checked with dispatch who confirmed a "Silver Alert" had been issued in Florida for Reardon.

As a precaution, Reardon was taken to St. Thomas Rutherford Hospital while police contacted her family. Reardon's family then made the trek to Murfreesboro to safely take custody of the 78 year old.

Again, a woman who was reported as missing during what is called a "Silver Alert" has been safely located in Murfreesboro and is now with her family.

A Silver Alert is a public notification about missing persons - especially senior citizens with Alzheimer's, dementia or other mental disabilities - in order to aid in their being found.


MPD incident 16-20848

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