On Saturday, October 8th, Siegel Middle School participated in “Walk to Cure” for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF). The students, who are members of Siegel Middle Builder’s Club, raised $500 the week prior to the walk to donate to the foundation.
The Builder’s Club at Siegel Middle is an international organization for middle school students, imbedded in the philosophy of building character and developing leadership through service. These young students develop and carry out service projects for Siegel Middle School and the Murfreesboro community. John Ross Langworthy, who is a member of the Builder’s Club, was influential in the groups’ decision to participate in Saturday’s walk, considering that John Ross has juvenile diabetes.
The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International is a worldwide leader in funding research to cure type I diabetes, an autoimmune disease that strikes children and adults suddenly and lasts a lifetime. It sets the global agenda for diabetes research, and is the largest charitable funder and advocate of diabetes science worldwide. For more information about the foundation and how to get involved, visit their website at www.jdrf.org.