Arts Show on MTSU Campus

Oct 24, 2011 at 09:40 am by bryan

An art show has been scheduled to take place on the MTSU campus. The BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) shows feature the Department of Art’s candidates for graduation this semester or in the near future.

The shows are divided into groups representing students in Studio Arts; such as book arts, clay, drawing, letter press, printmaking, and sculpture and shows featuring the area of Graphic Design. The studio majors have one or two shows each semester while the graphic design students are placed together as typical of their profession. This semester the Studio Arts students will be represented in two exhibits. This academic year’s BFA Exhibits in Graphic Design will be comprised of two shows in the spring of 2012 because of the large number of candidates in the program.

The first show this semester is entitled: AV? ATQUE VAL?

                                                               November 1 - 16, 2011 Studio BFA 1

                                                               · Exhibit dates: November 1 – 16, 2011

                                                               · Reception – Wednesday, November 2 / 6 p.m.–8 p.m.

Participating Artists:         Mac Bydalek, Whitney Keels, Kelly McCormack, and Danny Walters                             

Mac Bydalek: Pursuing his B.F.A. in Printmaking from MTSU.  His current work consists of two bodies: one uses traditional hand pulled intaglio prints, and the other uses non-traditional painting techniques.  Both bodies consist of the same imagery of simplified male forms juxtaposed against detailed backgrounds. 

Bydalek’s work uses the male form as its subject and explores issues of sexuality and masculinity in a homosexual context.

Witney Keels: (speaking of her work image attached), this piece is a "creature"; it is part of a larger installation entitled "Bazaar" that I am making for the BFA show. The creature is mixed media including: wood, acrylic paint, collaged magazine images, and pearls, and the size is h: 14" x w: 11" x d: 1.5". My work explores the ridiculousness of ideals of perfection that society places on individuals while simultaneously highlighting the aesthetic qualities that attract people to these standards.

Kelly McCormack: In my work I try to find beauty in objects that people don’t notice in their day-to-day lives. I want the viewer to question my use of materials and to appreciate the simplicity of my design. Her attached image is entitled: Breaking Down

Danny Walters: My interest in my work partly sits in the ability to force an audience to interact with their environment in a natural way, and partly in the idea that our technology level is growing at an exceedingly high rate and forcing us to construct thoughts beyond what the normal human should be accustomed to.  My recent works deal with etching aluminum enclosures and either displaying them individually or filling them with noise-maker circuits.

The exhibit will be on display in MTSU’s Todd Art Gallery located in Todd Hall November 1 to November 16 with a reception in the gallery the evening of Wednesday, October 2 from 6-8 p.m. Each event is free and the public is welcome.

The Todd Art Gallery’s regular hours are 8 am to 4:30 pm Monday – Friday, closing only on state & university holidays. For more information or directions, call Eric Snyder, Gallery Liaison at 898-5653.


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