For Sale: Warm Morning heater; 1986 wrecker; 1989 Toyota car 563-9844
For Sale: turnip and mustard greens 896-2773
Wants: dash or windshield mount for a Garmin GPS 896-1951
For Sale: guitar wireless contact and wireless mic; boat with motor, trolling motor, trailer; Yard Sale at 8000 Cooper Drive on Thu-Sat 243-7736
For Sale: shed full of treasures (kerosene heater, tools, car ramps and more) $600; 2-wheel trailer (5 x 8-foot wood bed with good lights) $650 895-2037
For Sale: Spectrum and a Bursewood acoustic guitars $80 each; Johnson acoustic guitar $125 895-9834
For Sale: Love seat $10 355-7534
For Rent: 2 BR, 1 bath duplex, $650 per month (Burleson Ln.) 238-5245
For Sale: treadmill; air compressor; good running 22-inch Murray push mower 653-0769
For Sale: queen size box mattress and springs $75; Mitsubishi Eclipse for parts 584-0823
For Sale: split firewood ($60 per rick if you pick-up; $70 delivered) 624-3428
Free: 24-inch color TV 895-7954