For Sale: super size Kenmore clothes dryer $50; 30-inch circular saw blade $75 506-8353
For Sale: 1986 Chevy wreckers; chest freezer 25.2 cu. Ft.; converter box and antenna 563-9844
Free: washer (needs a little work); For Sale: matching dryer $50 890-7581
For Sale: new John Deere pedal car $165; Takamine flat top guitar $350 636-8623
For Sale: red and white oak split seasoned fire wood $60 (you pickup), $70 delivered 624-3428
For Sale: Blackberry Storm cell phone 306-4613
For Sale: small electric fireplace $50; oak rocker $75 971-0877
Wants: shower chair 427-5899
For Sale: 9 piece dinette set with oval table, 4 chairs and bar stools $75; 27-inch TV with remote $45; baby stroller-bassinette $30 513-2238
For Rent: 1 BR on N. Maple (utilities furnished) 427-9488
For Sale: Titan’s tickets 4 Club Level (Section 242, Row M, seat 2-5) 308-2108
For Sale: dresser; toys 896-1516