Murfreesboro City Schools Adds Mobile Library

Mar 13, 2018 at 05:04 pm by bryan

Murfreesboro City Schools is preparing to take reading on the road this summer. They will add a library on wheels to encourage reading during the summer months and throughout the year. This mobile library is funded through Christy-Houston Foundation grant.

City School's Reading and Intervention Coordinator Caresa Dodson, said, "Summer reading loss can be a big issue in the success of a student. Bringing a mobile library to neighborhoods will help children and families have easier access to books and the power of reading."

Through the mobile library, children can receive books weekly during the summer. Additionally, staff members will provide literacy activities work with parents to model good reading habits and help select age appropriate books. The bus will contain an array of children's favorite books as well as extra activities and a Wi-Fi feature. The bus will be used in the fall and spring to extend learning opportunities for parents--with topics such as how to develop healthy habits in their children and what learning to expect in various grade levels.

Dodson concluded, "A child's summer learning experience in early years will make a difference in high school and college careers," says Joe Marlin, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction. "We need to take down barriers as well as nurture and cultivate a child's natural curiosity. To borrow a quote from Dr. Seuss, 'Oh, the places you'll go...with a book'."

Children from age two through sixth grade and their families can check out books, read and keep them in their home library or return them and be registered for prizes.

An out-of-service school bus will be re-purposed to house the mobile library. The air-conditioned bus will include shelving and seating as well as tablets and a video presentation lab for enrichment programs. This literacy initiative aims to help children discover a passion for reading.

Murfreesboro City Schools is currently conducting a naming competition with students and staff to help name the mobile book bus. Additionally, a book drive will be held in April to help stock the bus's library.

The Christy-Houston Foundation, Inc. is a private, health legacy foundation that strives to enhance the quality of life in Rutherford County, with special emphasis on health care, by distributing grants to local programs and projects that reflect their mission.

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