Vote Centers A Hit After First Election Under New Format

May 07, 2018 at 08:45 am by bryan

Voters who work in Nashville, are traveling or had to travel past precincts to vote at theirs are all happy with the new vote center format for elections. Rutherford County Election Administrator Alan Farley took listener comments on the new vote centers just days after the first countywide election under this new format:

Farley says nearly 50-percent of those who voted in the county primary voted outside their normal area or precinct. This is a pilot project, involving only Rutherford County. It replaces the traditional precincts with vote centers and voters can cast their ballot at any of those locations.

Farley gives an example of a happy voter:

The next chance to vote in Rutherford County is August 2nd in the County General and State and Federal Primary.

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