For Sale: 1984 Silverado pickup; 1989 Toyota car; Wants: junk autos 563-9844
Wants: someone to rake leaves 895-3160
For Sale: collapsible dog pen; Panasonic microwave $10; Craftsman electric chain saw 568-1361
For Rent: farm house in the Crescent community with 2 BR, one bath with all appliances and utilities all furnished for $700/month 294-4987
For Sale: Stove and refrigerator; Free couch 439-5778
For Sale: seasoned firewood; kindling 895-1258
For Sale: seasoned firewood $60 you pick-up or $70 delivered and stacked 624-3428
For Sale: sectional couch $100 848-7197
For Sale: 1993 Lexus $1,500 663-4979
For Sale: Dell mini-computer $200; old clocks; grandfather clock 624-6363
For Sale: peg board $2 per sheet 653-3680
For Sale: couch; George Foreman grill ($125 each) 812-1372
For Sale: registered beagle hound 542-6151