Credit Union Millionaire for a Day Winner Announced

Dec 08, 2011 at 08:40 am by bryan

If you receive a call from your credit union or financial institution, your first reaction might be: “What have I done wrong or what are they selling?” Last month, Tremetris Howard-Key might have hesitated to return a call to her credit union, Heritage South Community Credit Union. It took just a few seconds into the conversation for her to get excited: She had won the Grand Opening Drawing at Heritage South and was named “Millionaire for a Day”!

It was a great call to return! Branch Manager Darlene Robinson informed Tremetris that she would receive a cash prize of $2.739.73 plus dinner at a Murfreesboro restaurant via chauffeured limousine. Tremetris would have to determine the date and time for the dinner.

“I was surprised when Tremetris told me she would have to go soon because she was due to have a baby most any day,” Robinson said. “We scheduled everything for Saturday, Dec. 3rd.

“Imagine my surprise when I got a call on November 28th informing me that Tremetris was having an emergency c-section the next day. The dinner and limo would have to wait.

“I doubt that Tremetris was thinking about missing her evening out, but we wanted to award her the cash prize as soon as possible,” Robinson added.

After several phone calls and scheduling changes, Heritage South made the departure from Centennial Hospital in Nashville memorable for the entire Key family. Just prior to noon, Saturday, Dec. 3rd, a sleek, black limo parked at the front door of the Women’s Hospital at Centennial. Its presence created quite a buzz. Minutes later, Tremetris was rolled out and greeted by Robinson, who immediately presented her with a check and helped load the “Millionaire for a Day” family in the limo.

“How many baby girls have their very first ride in a limo?” Tremetris asked as she smiled and thanked Heritage South for helping make this special time even more special.

Heritage South Community Credit Union recently moved to a new office in Murfreesboro at 839 W. College Street. Members’ teller transactions qualified them for drawings throughout the Grand Opening week, Nov. 14-18th. The final drawing that Friday was for “Millionaire for a Day”. The winner would receive what someone making a million dollars a year would make in one day ($1,000,000 divided by 365 days). There were approximately 3,000 entries for various prizes.

Heritage South is a community chartered credit union that was formerly EPCO Credit Union in Shelbyville. Established in 1957, administrative offices are in Shelbyville where there is a full service branch and other branches in Lewisburg and Murfreesboro. Anyone who lives, works, worships or attends school in Bedford, Marshall or Rutherford County can be a member of Heritage South. To join, at least $5 must be deposited in a share/savings account and a $1 membership fee paid. Deposits are insured by the NCUA.

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