Tuesday Swap'n Shop

Jan 10, 2012 at 08:53 am by bryan

For Sale:  upholstered chairs (pair for $150); grandfather clock $1,000  624-6363

Free: 2-year old Jack Russell dog; For Sale:  5th wheel hitch   3335-6103

For Sale: table (has leaf) and chairs $35  462-6298

Wants: half or quarter beef  691-2535

For Sale: wood kindling; chain saw  895-1258

For Sale: 15-foot fiberglass boat with motor (gas and trolling) $1,250; bumper pool table;  cordless mic and guitar pick-up  243-7736

Free: 6 Great Pyrenees pups (free) For Rent:  1 BR modular home $525/mo. (utilities furnished)  895-5746

For Sale: antique Dr. Pepper machine (restorable) $400; video game (Indy Car type) $200  809-5359

For Sale: side by side refrigerator $250  853-9913

For Sale: 12 string Fender acoustic guitar $250  895-9834

For Sale: rocking chair $20  355-7534

For Sale: bar stool $7; small table $5; toaster-oven $10  890-0707

Wants: knee high desks  593-8422

Sections: Swap and Shop