Nearby Cannon County Schools are Advancing

Aug 19, 2019 at 11:18 am by bryan

Cannon County Schools are "Advancing" and East Side School is a "Reward School" according to the Tennessee Department of Education.

Tennessee Commissioner of Education Dr. Penny Schwinn released the scores for all public school districts in Tennessee today.

Cannon County Schools improved from the "Satisfactory" category in 2017-2018 to the "Advancing" category in 2018-2019.

Final district determinations are calculated by using a weighted average of the district's scores on the All Students and Subgroup status, with all students weighted at 60% and subgroups at 40%. The final determinations are: Exemplary; Advancing; Satisfactory; Marginal; and In Need of Improvement. This is on a 4 point scale that is utilized nationwide following the ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Federal guidelines and includes Achievement, Growth, Absenteeism, and for Cannon County High School, Graduation Rate and TN Ready Graduates. The following chart demonstrates that Cannon County Schools are in the Middle of "Advancing" category at 2.6.

Director of Cannon County Schools, Mr. William F. Curtis stated regarding the school district's progress, "I am very happy regarding our gains as a school district. We celebrate the hard work of students, teachers, administrators, and our staff. While we celebrate this success, we very much realize our need to improve academics and get to the 'Exemplary' level of success for all schools."


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